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Keto Gingerbread Cookies

Here is delicious twist on your gingerbread cookies (that isn’t packed with all those sugars!)!!

This is a great and simple, low carb recipe - so they’re perfect for Christmas entertaining or a heart-felt, homemade Christmas gift.

We loved the strong ginger taste – however if you do prefer biscuits that are a little sweeter, you can add 1 teaspoon of Stevia powder (or 3 drops Stevia liquid) to get the sweeter taste without the extra calories.

Perfect accompaniment to a morning coffee break during this hectic festive season, to help you power through work, make those long lists of Christmas presents you have to get or maybe even face the crowds at the shops!

INGREDIENTS 100g Protein Pancake Mix by Protein Bread Co 200g Almond Meal 2 Eggs 110g Quality Butter (or coconut oil) 2 teaspoon Vanilla Essence 1tsp Cinnamon 2tsp ground ginger

EQUIPMENT 1 Large Mixing Bowl 1 Lined baking tray An Oven


1 Preheat the oven to 175 degrees celsius. 2 In a large bowl, combine all ingredients. 3 Choose to a) Roll mix into 2cm balls and place on tray the using a fork lightly press down on each cookie to flatten (tip: if fork gets sticky, dip in water in between cookies) OR b) prinkle counter with tapioca flour lightly (to stop dough sticking) then roll dough into 1/2cm flat lab on bench and use cookie cutters to cut into shapes 5 Place cookies onto tray and bake for 10 - 15 minutes or until golden brown on top. 6 Remove from oven and immediately place on cooling rack (if you leave the biscuits on the hot tray, they will continue to cook and burn on the bottom). 7 Make sure you let the biscuits cool before icing or decorating. 8 The most important step of all - Enjoy!

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