If you have a good quality food processor and love nutty deliciousness (i.e. almond butter, cashew butter, peanut butter) try this super easy recipe to make your own spread!
Whatever nut you choose, your spread will be great as a spread on crackers, toast, in smoothies, to use in cooking for satay curries and baking, smothered onto apple as a healthy snack...nom nom nom. This picture attached is almond butter :)
Nuts are a great source of protein, unsaturated fats, minerals and vitamins such as iron, magnesium and calcium and have been shown to enhance

INGREDIENTS: 3 cups raw (or activated) nut of choice
**Optional: Add flavour of choice e.g. 1/2tsp of cinnamon and vanilla OR 1/2 lemon zest + 1tsp lemon juice OR 1/2tsp cracked pepper and 1/2tsp turmeric OR 1/2tbsp honey or maple syrup
METHOD: 1. If using raw nuts: (If using activated nuts skip to step 2) Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Spread the nuts across a large, rimmed baking sheet and toast the for 10 minutes, stirring halfway. PUT A TIMER ON so that they don't burn (I've made the mistake of forgetting the nuts and sizzling them and it's not fun).Let the almonds cool until they’re just warm (not hot), about 10 minutes.
2. Place the nuts in a large food processor fitted with an "S" blade, and process them until creamy. You may want to stop and scrape down the sides every now and then, but this process will take up to 10 minutes. (You can stop and give your food processor a break from its hard work if you'd like. Mine usually handles it just fine, but some processors will automatically shut off for a break if they start to get too hot). Once it has reached the desired consistency- add any flavours of your choice (optional)
3. Transfer the nut butter to a glass jar and store it in the fridge. I've found that they last at least two month, if not longer. Wa la!