Functional Testing
Test, Don't Guess
Do you suffer from chronic acne? constipation? bloating? diarrhoea? difficulty losing weight? chronic fatigue? psoriasis? PMS? pain and inflammation? allergies and hayfever?.....
Have you tried treatment after treatment and are still not seeing results?.....
Functional Testing is a tool that can be used to help identify the root cause of your symptoms. From functional testing we can gain a deeper understanding of your body, its needs and can tailor treatments to nurture you back to balance.
Common Functional Tests utilised at MGN:
Comprehensive GIT microbiome and Digestive Analysis
Organic Acid Test
Food allergy and Intolerance
DUTCH Comprehensive Hormonal testing
Methylation Profile testing
Heavy Metal testing
SIBO testing
To discuss functional testing options and whether this may be useful to you - contact Gabi or book an initial consult today!